Are Jeeps Easy to Steal? Expert Analysis and Tips for Jeep Owners

are jeeps easy to steal

Jeeps are known for their ruggedness, off-road capabilities, and unique style. However, their popularity also makes them a target for thieves. Many Jeep owners wonder if their vehicles are easy to steal and what they can do to prevent theft.

According to various statistical lists, Jeep vehicles are not stolen any more often than other vehicles. However, their unique features such as soft tops and removable doors make them more vulnerable to theft. Thieves can easily gain access to the vehicle and drive away with it, or steal valuable items left inside. Therefore, it is important for Jeep owners to take precautions to prevent theft.

Jeep’s Popularity and Theft Rates

Jeeps are a popular choice among car enthusiasts and off-road enthusiasts alike. However, their popularity also makes them a target for thieves. According to recent statistics, Jeep Cherokee and Grand Cherokee models are among the most stolen vehicles in America. In fact, in 2020, there were 13,210 total thefts of Jeep Cherokees and Grand Cherokees combined.

The reason for this high theft rate is likely due to the Jeep’s popularity. Thieves know that Jeeps are in high demand, and they can easily sell them for a profit. Additionally, Jeeps are often left unlocked or with their soft tops down, making them an easy target for theft.

Despite this high theft rate, there are ways to prevent your Jeep from being stolen. One simple solution is to always lock your doors and keep your windows rolled up. Additionally, installing an anti-theft device, such as an alarm or steering wheel lock, can deter thieves from targeting your vehicle.

It’s important to note that while Jeeps may be a popular target for thieves, they are not the only vehicles at risk. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), Dodge Charger, Infiniti Q50, and Land Rover Range Rover models are also among the most vulnerable to theft.

In summary, Jeeps are a popular choice among car enthusiasts, but their popularity also makes them a target for thieves. By taking simple precautions, such as locking your doors and installing an anti-theft device, you can reduce the risk of your Jeep being stolen.

Keyless Entry System Vulnerabilities

Relay Attack

One of the vulnerabilities of keyless entry systems is the relay attack. This type of attack involves two thieves working together to steal a car with a keyless entry system. The first thief stands near the car with a device that can pick up the signal from the key fob, even if it is inside the owner’s house. The second thief stands near the car with another device that can receive the signal from the first device and use it to unlock the car and start the engine.

To prevent relay attacks, car owners can use a Faraday bag or box to block the signal from the key fob when it is not in use. They can also enable additional security features, such as a steering wheel lock or immobilizer.

Signal Jamming

Another vulnerability of keyless entry systems is signal jamming. Thieves can use a device that emits radio waves on the same frequency as the key fob, preventing the car from receiving the signal to unlock the doors or start the engine. This type of attack is more difficult to prevent, as the car owner may not realize that their key fob is not working until they are already near the car.

To prevent signal jamming, car owners can park their car in a garage or other secure location, or use additional security measures such as a steering wheel lock or immobilizer. They can also check their key fob regularly to ensure that it is working properly.

Overall, while keyless entry systems may be convenient for car owners, they do come with some vulnerabilities that can be exploited by thieves. Car owners should take steps to protect their vehicles, such as using a Faraday bag or box, enabling additional security features, and parking in secure locations.

Weaknesses in Physical Security

Door Locks

Jeeps are known for their removable doors, which can be a weakness in terms of physical security. Thieves can easily remove the doors and gain access to the vehicle. Even with the doors on, the locks on Jeeps are not always the most secure. The doors can be easily pried open or the locks can be picked.

One solution to this problem is to install aftermarket locks or upgrade the existing ones. There are several options available, including deadbolts, padlocks, and locking hood latches. These can make it more difficult for thieves to gain access to the Jeep.

Ignition System

Another weakness in the physical security of Jeeps is the ignition system. Older Jeeps, in particular, are known for having simple ignition systems that are easy to bypass. Thieves can easily hotwire the vehicle or use a screwdriver to start it.

Newer Jeeps have more advanced ignition systems, but they are still not foolproof. Thieves can use a variety of methods to bypass the security measures, including using a key programmer or hacking into the vehicle’s computer system.

To prevent theft, it is important to take additional security measures beyond the standard ignition system. Installing an immobilizer can make it more difficult for thieves to start the vehicle, while an alarm system can alert you and others to any attempted theft.

Overall, while Jeeps are not the easiest vehicles to steal, they do have weaknesses in their physical security that can be exploited by determined thieves. By taking additional security measures, owners can help protect their vehicles from theft.

Preventive Measures

When it comes to preventing Jeep theft, there are several measures that Jeep owners can take to protect their vehicles. Here are two of the most effective preventive measures:

Anti-Theft Devices

One of the most effective ways to prevent Jeep theft is by installing an anti-theft device. These devices come in various forms, including steering wheel locks, tire locks, and hood locks. They can make it more difficult for thieves to steal your Jeep by making it harder to start the vehicle or remove parts.

An audible alarm or other anti-theft device can also be installed in your Jeep. This will alert you and others nearby if someone tries to break into your vehicle. Immobilizers are another effective anti-theft device that can be installed in your Jeep. These devices prevent the engine from starting unless a specific key or code is used.

Vehicle Tracking Systems

Another effective preventive measure is installing a vehicle tracking system in your Jeep. These systems use GPS technology to track the location of your Jeep in real-time. If your Jeep is stolen, the tracking system can help law enforcement locate and recover your vehicle.

Some vehicle tracking systems also come with additional features, such as geofencing. This allows you to set up virtual boundaries around your Jeep, and you will receive an alert if your Jeep moves outside of these boundaries. This can be especially useful if you park your Jeep in a high-risk area.

In addition to these measures, Jeep owners can also take simple steps to prevent theft, such as keeping their doors locked, parking in well-lit areas, and being aware of their surroundings. By taking these preventive measures, Jeep owners can reduce the risk of their vehicles being stolen.

Insurance Considerations

When it comes to insuring a Jeep, there are a few things to consider. First, it’s important to make sure that the policy covers theft. While Jeeps may not be stolen more often than other vehicles, they are still a target for thieves due to their popularity and value.

Another consideration is the type of coverage. Comprehensive coverage is typically recommended for Jeeps, as it covers theft as well as damage from other non-collision events such as weather or vandalism. However, it’s important to note that comprehensive coverage can be more expensive than other types of coverage.

Additionally, it may be worth considering adding anti-theft devices to the Jeep. This can not only help prevent theft but may also result in lower insurance rates. Some popular anti-theft devices for Jeeps include steering wheel locks, hood locks, and alarm systems.

It’s also important to review the policy regularly and make any necessary updates. If modifications have been made to the Jeep, such as adding aftermarket parts or accessories, it’s important to ensure that they are covered under the policy.

Overall, insuring a Jeep requires careful consideration and attention to detail. By choosing the right coverage and taking steps to prevent theft, Jeep owners can protect their investment and enjoy peace of mind on and off the road.


Based on the information gathered, it appears that Jeeps can be relatively easy to steal. Thieves are attracted to Jeeps due to their soft tops and the perception that they are often left unlocked. However, there are steps that Jeep owners can take to deter theft and protect their vehicles.

Some tips for preventing Jeep theft include always locking the doors and investing in anti-theft protection such as a kill switch or steering wheel lock. It is also recommended to park in well-lit areas and avoid leaving valuables visible in the vehicle.

While it is important to take precautions, it is worth noting that not all Jeeps are easy targets for theft. Factors such as the age of the vehicle and the type of security system installed can play a role in deterring thieves.

Ultimately, Jeep owners should take the necessary steps to protect their vehicles and be aware of the potential for theft. By being proactive and taking precautions, it is possible to reduce the risk of Jeep theft and ensure the safety of the vehicle.

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